Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Still windy...

Dry hair mohawk!

Today was a pretty boring day. Addy and I stayed home with Toby, and played and ate and she still doesn't like peas :\ One time, when I put her on her stomach today, she had her knees bent, and stayed in a crawling position for about a second. Usually she falls right down, so she is definitely getting stronger!

Also, now is the time to vote! Go to:

She is on page 11, at the bottom on the left. Also, watch for the email verification in your spam folder, that's where mine went. If this link doesn't work, go to 937thebull.com and find the cute baby contest in the middle of the page and go from there.

The construction is coming along well. The base of the wall is in over half of the way. Our sales guy came by today and said it should be done by the end of the week :)


Soapy mohawk!

Yesterday, Addy and I ran errands most of the day. We went to 7 different places! Poor baby though, it was day 4 after her shots, and she was cranky off and on. We had to give her 2 doses of Tylenol during the day. That made her feel much better though!

The guys worked on the yard yesterday - the wall has been started!

Last night, we were woken up at 4am by a horrible storm. It was blowing rain so hard, it looked like a hurricane! The rain let up pretty quickly, but the wind stayed around all day. The construction people didn't do anything today, except to check the situation and uncover the yard, I assume to help dry it out. Over the weekend, the tarp worked, but after the wind yesterday, it's quite muddy. Check out what the wind did (yes, the whole hill was covered last night, and yes, the blocks were blown off the top of the hill):

Today, Addy and I stayed home most of the day. She took her naps great and ate pretty well too. Addy had her first taste of peas today. Pretty close to the same reaction as the green beans. She made a little face, then refused to eat anymore food. So much for the greens I suppose! Today, she did something exciting though. She was on her belly, and she was really getting her knees up under her. Then she scooted back about an inch! haha! She still doesn't like being on her belly, but once she figures out how to go forward, I think we are definitely in trouble. We really need to get finished with this baby proofing! Addy also helped me with the laundry today:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shopping weekend

Friday, Addy and I went shopping at the mall and Baby's R Us. We bought way too much, but at least most of it was on the list :)

Yesterday, Josh and I made pumpkin pancakes for Halloween. They were delicious :) Then, we went down to Main Street in St. Charles. We ate at the local brewery and then did some shopping in the shops down there. Everyone just thought Addy was sooo cute. So many people were smiling at her, so funny! Then we came home and watched the Mizzou game. Since no one else good won this weekend, go Tigers!

Today we went to church and the brunch after church. Then we came home, and put Addy down for a nap. I had to wake her up after 3 hours! Then we carved pumpkins and went for a walk. We've been trying to get Addy to eat green beans since Thursday. She takes 2 bites and then won't open her mouth again, except for her bottle. Today, I tried mixing the green beans with her cereal. She ate it, but very reluctantly. It was pretty funny. We'll try one more time tomorrow, then Tuesday its time to try peas!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another Doctor Visit

Today, Addy and I slept til 8, which was very nice. We mostly watched the construction guys and played with toys. Then we went to the doctor, came home and made dinner and pumpkin chocolate chip bread. Yum!

The construction workers took out a few more loads of dirt, and then dug a trench around most of where the wall goes. I assume that is for the drainage. The bobcat also broke at one point, and when we left for the doctor, they were bringing another one. As Josh said, our yard is tenacious!

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

Half a year! So exciting! Addy keeps growing, a little at a time. She's up to 13 and a half pounds now, 26 inches tall/long. She's drinking about 23oz of formula each day, and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal for breakfast, 2 tablespoons of rice cereal for dinner. She's sleeping 10-12 hours each night, with about 4 naps during the day.

Some of Addy's favorite things to do are: playing hand/song games, petting Toby, grabbing for toys, standing, making fun noises, and she loves to eat with a spoon, almost more than eating from her bottle. She can sit, but only for a little bit, still isn't completely sitting on her own. She is starting to hate being left alone in a room, even for a few seconds. She also now signals when she wants to be picked up. The doctors think she is doing great and is extremely healthy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Last day of 5 months old!

Today was a busy day in the Gentry household. First, we all got up early to drop off daddy's rental car. Then Addy and I went to the GI doctor for a checkup. Addy now weighs 13 lbs., 7.5 oz. right on track in the 10th percentile :) She's doing great weight wise. We'll see the rest tomorrow at her 6 mo. checkup.

After the doctor visit, we came home for awhile, then went to the grocery store. We chatted with the neighbors, who were watching the dirt being removed from the yard, took a walk, and relaxed with daddy.

Addy has 2 new favorite games. "Wheels on the Bus" - especially certain verses, depending on the day. Yesterday it was the door, opening and shutting. Today was the baby's going "Wa, wa, wa" She also has discovered that when it is cold, mommy wears hooded sweatshirts. On a hooded sweatshirt is a sweatshirt string. The string can be pulled and there is a ton of space to chew on! Needless to say, she's enjoyed it quite a bit.

Today, I believe there were 6 more loads of dirt removed from the backyard. We all walked back there, and imagined what it would look like. The pallets of stone also came today, put into the backyard by a huge forklift. I think there are 9-10 pallets. It looks like the main section of wall is dug out. We'll see what happens tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Daddy's Coming Home!

Yesterday, Addy and I went to the zoo first thing in the morning. We had fun walking around and checking out the animals. The hippos were really cool - they were fighting in the water. Addy, however, thought the little boy running back and forth looking at them was more interesting though! The chimps we went and sat beside during a snack break were pretty cool too. They were eating bugs off of each other. Later, we saw some other monkeys running around, playing, and Addy really seemed to enjoy them.

When we got home, nothing had been done to the yard, so Addy decided to take things into her own hands:

Today was much different though. Here is the first scoop:

I counted 6 loads of dirt they hauled out today, and it's only about half finished. Here's the progress so far.

Addy and I did a lot of nothing today. She was pretty cranky, I think she misses her daddy. But he is almost home now! Woohoo! It sure seems like Cisco Chicago likes Josh a lot lately.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Screaming :)

Friday was a fun day - we went to Little Lambs and sang songs and screamed and played. Then we came home, and daddy was working at home, so we bugged him off and on. Then we all went to a cocktail party at the next door neighbor's house and met all the fun neighbors in the neighborhood. The nice thing with that was, when Addy needed another bottle, we just went across the yard, got her one and came back!

Yesterday was a lazy day. We hung out around the house, cleaned, played with toys, and sang silly songs. Addy also had her first bowl of oatmeal (very similar to her rice cereal, only it was a little more brown.) She didn't even seem to notice a difference in taste :) She is still wanting to do everything her own way. Now she even gets upset sometimes when she is hungry, and we give her a bottle. We didn't know why, but it seems that she would rather have something on a spoon. I guess she knows that the cereal is more filling!

Today, we went to church. Addy decided she was going to scream through quite a bit of it. So, that was fun... Then we went to Panera, during which she slept through most of mommy and daddy's lunch. After dropping daddy off, Addy had some cereal, and then Addy and I took Toby out for a long walk around the neighborhood. It was still nice outside, so then we blew bubbles. After relaxing for a little while, the Colts game is now on. Go COLTS!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

She drove it right into the ground!

So yesterday, shortly after I hit send on the blog message, the utility guy came by and marked where all the buried wires were. Today, the workers still didn't show up, so I email the guy. Apparently the city is taking their sweet time with the permit, so hopefully we'll see some work being done by Tuesday.

Addy's costume came yesterday - She looks awesome in it! And no, we aren't telling what it is :)

On great news-our couches came today!!! Bad news - Josh and I need furniture 101. They are much bigger than we thought, even with measuring :) Oh well, we have a plan, and they are going to be awesome anyway! Pictures coming once we get the room rearranged. Other than that, nothing exciting going on. Addy had a rough day with her tummy. She didn't eat much today, but she did throw up alot. Hopefully tomorrow is better, today was quite gross! Since we don't have anything else to say, here's an extra pic:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Stuff

Sorry I didn't write last night, Josh and I got caught up in watching all the Chilean miner stuff on TV - it sure is amazing!

Yesterday was a pretty busy day. We met up with Josh and a friend from work for lunch, then we went to Sam's Club, Walmart and Lowe's. Little did I know, we really shouldn't have gone to Lowe's.... We had to go to a different Sam's Club, the one out by Josh's work, because the one about 5 min from our house didn't have Addy's size of diapers!! But, she might be out of those soon anyway, we'll see. (We did a weight check on our scale at home yesterday, and she's almost 14lbs!) While we were there, I saw some variety packages of fruit and veggis for Addy - we'll see what the doctor says, she might be starting those next week! Then we went over to Walmart - and of course bought more than we should have ;) Just as we were leaving Walmart, Addy was starting to fall asleep. I figured we could run into Lowe's really quick, since I only needed 2 things. She was asleep when we went in, but it took me forever to find one of the items, and so she woke up before we left. She played part of the way home, but then screamed that she was hungry for the other 15 min of the drive... Then she was cranky all night, and has been trouble with her naps this morning. At the moment though, she is sleeping soundly, and for almost 2 hours :D Next time, it's home when it's time for her nap!

Addy is doing some new milestone stuff the past few days. She now signals to me when she wants to be picked up. It's so funny - she leaves her left elbow bent with her hand in front of her and then stretches out her right arm at an angle. Then when you pick her up, she curls up real tight. She is so silly :) She also no longer wants to sit on anyone's lap, she only wants to stand up. She has also graduated from the teradactyl voice, and has just moved right onto screaming. Josh and I are not fans of this new development.

Yes, it is Wednesday. No, I have not seen the yard guys since first thing Monday morning. Maybe we'll see them soon???

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just getting started

Today was a very exciting day, we thought. I had just laid Addy down for her first nap, when all of a sudden people from the lawn guys were in our backyard! So exciting! But they weren't there even a full hour, before they left some tools charging and a bobcat on the side yard, and they were gone. But that gives me one more day before I have to take Toby out on a leash :) Since they weren't working, I was able to paint the mailbox since its Columbus Day!

Addy has been doing pretty good. She seems to be getting into a routine with 4-1 hour naps during the day, and being a little fussy at night. I think the "at night" part is just us not knowing what she wants, but we are working at it. The past 2 days, we have noticed that she is starting to stick her butt in the air when she's on her belly. She's also still working on her sitting. She can do a full 10 seconds or so, but then she leans back and if I wasn't there, would fall down :( Addy loves peekaboo right now-she gets excited just anticipating it. So cute!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Fall!

Friday was Addy's first day to the park. It was a beautiful day and wasn't supposed to be too warm, so we decided to walk to the park in our neighborhood. So, yes, the temperature wasn't too bad, low 70s, but there was not a cloud in the sky. Mommy sure was sweating by the time we got to the park! We tried the swing for a little while, and this is the face she pretty much gave me the whole time. She seemed indifferent to the whole situation. We tried the slide for a little bit, but I was really getting warm, so we decided to head back. We'll have to try in the spring when she is bigger!

Saturday was Kendall's 3rd birthday party (the daughter of a friend of mine from work). I didn't really get any pictures of her, she was running around most of the time! There was a bouncy house, yummy food and a balloon artist. Addy enjoyed playing with the other babies (Evan and Maddie), and hanging out with new friends. She didn't love the bouncy house or even frosting from the cupcakes. After the party, we went furniture shopping. Josh and I bought our birthday/Christmas present to each other-- seating for the basement! The new stuff should be here Thursday, just in time for the best TV night of the week! We'll send pics when it comes in.

Today was another fun day. We went to Eckert's Family Farm in Illinois. Addy had her first trip through East St. Louis (one of the worst parts of town). Thankfully, we came through during the day... The farm was really fun. There was a lookout over the whole farm, lots of bonfire sites, pig races, a huge slide, cornfield maze, food stations, animals, apple picking and pumpkins. We got over 9 lbs of apples, and I made a delicious apple-oat crisp for dinner. Yummy! Addy really loved the apples too. At first she made a really sour face when she tried some of the apple, but then she really started enjoying it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hey everyone!! I need your help. I'm going to enter Addy into a cute baby contest, just for fun. Tell me which picture you've seen of her that you think is the cutest. You can either post a comment or send me an email. Feel free to look back through all the posts and give me a date or description of the photo. I need your answers by the end of the week, and then I'll let you know where you can vote for her when voting opens at the end of the month :) Thanks!!


Here was Addy, trying on clothes before our big vacation!

Monday was definitely a readjusting to being home day. Addy slept a lot, and was a little cranky when she wasn't sleeping. Mostly, we just worked on doing very large loads of laundry!

Yesterday, Addy was on the same schedule she was on Monday...could this be the start of a real schedule?? We'll see... Addy and I went to the grocery store in the morning, and bought a lot of fresh fruits and veggies - we did a very good job of buying good for us stuff, since Josh and I really need to get back on our diets. Last week was a bit of a setback, but hey, that's what vacation is for :) I also got one of the bushes in the front yard trimmed down. It is about half the size it was before, meaning I cut off all of the green leaves. It looks very bare, but there is light coming into the living room, which is awesome. We need all the sunlight we can get to warm up the house, since its so much cooler than when we left! We haven't made it out of the 60s yet...

Today, Addy and I woke up about an hour late, which did mix up our schedule a bit, but hopefully it just set it back, and didn't really screw it up. So far, so good :) Today we went shopping for a birthday gift for a party on Saturday. Then we took Toby for a walk, had a dance party to Jordan's song, and made wonderful hamburgers for dinner.

The funny story of today (as depicted by the picture above): I know babies eat, I know babies poop. I didn't realize they did it at the same time ;) If it were me, I think I would have lost my appetite from the smell!!! Addy didn't seem to mind though.

Monday, October 4, 2010

2nd Vacation

Addy's second vacation was again very fun :) She rode in the car for over 1700 miles in just over a week!

Last Saturday, we left home and traveled to see Aunt Katelyn in Indy. We saw her kitty Gia and had Johnny Rockets -yum. Then we continued to Grandma and Grandpa B's house.

Last Sunday, we relaxed with G&G B. and Aunt Sarah (who was using her new toys on Addy) before we went over to Grandma and Grandad G's house. They weren't there though, so we went to church to visit everyone, then went back to their house for pizza :)

Monday, we ran errands - visited Art (our financial planner), got the loan for our backyard project, did some furniture shopping, and relaxed at G&G B's.

Tuesday, we went shopping in Shipshewana IN. We enjoyed the fresh air at the flea market and bought more stuff than we planned on :)

Wednesday, we went to Columbus OH to visit Aunt Stephanie. We did a car tour of the campus, ate at North Market, cruised the mall and saw where Uncle Jon works (so cool :) ).

Thursday, daddy went fishing with Grandad, while Addy and I relaxed in the morning, and then met up with everyone at G&G G's house for daddy's birthday dinner.

Friday, we relaxed in the morning, then went to visit the Degitz family. Then Addy got to have her first sleepover with Aunt Ally and Aunt Maddi.

Saturday, Addy spent the evening with G&G B while mommy and daddy went to a wedding in Kokomo.

Sunday, we had birthday lunch with G&G B and then went to visit Aunt Sarah at her apartment. After that we drove all the way back home!

What a fun, exciting trip!