Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Exciting Stuff

Note: Titles match the videos, not the pictures!

Addy's Birthday Meal

Birthday Cupcake



First Birthday Week

Oh, what a busy week. We've been re-cleaning the house since the party, and trying to stay out of the rain. And I've officially started studying for the PCAT, so that has pretty much consumed our lives! But we've had amazing dinners, and all I have to use is the microwave :) I <3 leftovers!

Today Addy had a great checkup at the doctor. Everything looks good! She is 29 inches long (almost 2 1/2 ft!!) and 18.5 lbs. She did have to get a lot of awful shots though, 4 of them! Poor thing. Good thing we probably don't have to go back for another 6 months!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 Year Old!

Addy is now a big girl for real :) One year old! She's changed a little in the past year...haha!

Addy has been busy reading the past month. She loves to "read" her books while mommy is reading a magazine, then after awhile, she'll bring the books over so that I can read them to her. She loves crawling around and checking out anything new-tv stands, the fireplace, steps, windows, couches, tables, just about anything. She's doing great at getting up, sitting down, picking stuff up off the floor. She's still taking 2 or 3 steps in between Josh and I, but not really walking on her own. She's starting to stand for 2 or 3 seconds while she looks at a toy. Then she realizes she's not holding onto anything, so she goes back to grab something sturdy:)

She loves her bear that she sleeps with, and still looks for her paci, but not as much as her bear. We might be able to start getting away from the paci now, while we still have time before she becomes too attached ;) We'll see-she's teething right now, so she loves to chew on it while her teeth are coming in. We are also trying to start getting away from bottles-mommy sure is tired of cleaning them. We'll start that later next week though, after all the excitement of the weekend has passed!

She's still being picky about food texture-if it's wet to the touch, she won't pick it up, but she'll eat it off a spoon-especially fruit. Her current favorite is strawberries. I'm really excited for summer to be coming up with all the fresh fruit we can get now! She also now likes sweet potato fries, even though she doesn't like them in chunks. I guess she just likes to take bites and hold the long french fry!

We love going for walks outside with Toby still, and Addy also loves going to the park. She plays on the swings and on this keyboard toy thing. She also can push herself down the slide. She loves to sit in the grass and pull out stuff, like dandelions and dead grass. She really likes it when daddy pushes her on her car outside too :)

This will be my last "regular" post. I know they've been getting a little sporadic anyway! We have lots of things coming up in the next few months-I need to start studying to take my PCAT before Addy and I both go to school in the fall. I also have the rest of my pharmacy application to work on as well. Addy's also starting to sleep a little less at night-now only about 11 hours! I'm still hoping to write about once a week, and as exciting things come up, and of course I'll still post pictures! I've broken the flap on my camera that hides the memory card-I've been transferring pictures so often! So for now-Happy Birthday Addy!!!!

Happy 1st Birthday Addy!!

Addy had a great 1st birthday :) First she slept in. Then when we went downstairs, she got to check out her birthday present-her very own table and chairs. Then after our normal morning, and a nap, she ate almost a whole piece of pizza by herself. Then we went to the grocery store-her favorite store. She was singing loud enough that the whole store could hear her, almost the whole time. She was smiling and laughing and waving at just about everyone. It was awesome. Then I tried to get her to take a nap, but she wasn't going to have any of that. She did hang out in her crib for about an hour though, so at least there was a little rest time. Then daddy came home early, and we opened her other present, a swimming pool. Addy and daddy went downstairs to check it out.

Looks like it's going to be perfect! After I mowed the lawn, we had dinner-Addy's first experience of spaghetti. I think she liked it, but she REALLY thought throwing it on Toby was awesome.

Then we all had cupcakes, before a much needed bath!

What a fun night!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last Day...

Well, today was Addy's last day of being less than a year old! If only she could realize how exciting it is to have a birthday, especially her first one :) Today we ran a few errands-a stop at Goodwill and the bank and Target. Then we went and registered Addy for school! She's such a big girl, going to school in the fall. The office lady even recognized Addy; she had been one of Addy's babysitters for one of our church meetings. She knew Addy's smiley face. I couldn't tell if Addy recognized her or not.

After dinner, we went for a walk in the chilly weather while daddy went to the annual homeowners association meeting. There was a lot of interesting stuff talked about, and we learned what a lot of the construction going on in the neighborhood was for. Also, I took a PCAT practice test to check on my skills before I start, I've forgotten alot in 5 years... I have a lot of work ahead of me in the next few months :-P

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthday Weekend 1

Bunny, you are going down!!!!!

Friday, we spend the day driving to Fort Wayne. Addy had her first kid's meal at IHOP, a create-your-own face pancake. She really enjoyed it :) She also had her own meal at Bob Evans.

On Saturday, we had fun with Grandma and Grandpa Badenhop and some of the extended family. Then on Sunday we had fun with Grandma and Grandad Gentry and more extended family at Aunt Stephanie's baby shower. Then we stopped by Aunt Sarah's on the way home.

Yesterday, we spend the day unpacking and cleaning and doing lots of laundry. We took a walk around the neighborhood with Toby, and he loved hanging out with us again. Then when daddy got home, everyone walked me to Bunco before continuing on with another walk.

Today, the weather was HOT! More like, warm and sooo muggy. It felt hotter than the 90 degree days we had, but it was only in the low 80s. We enjoyed a stroll down Main Street and then along the river. We ended up on the Pier, which was pretty cool :) And speaking of things that are completely different (the weather) from the Fort, I paid a quarter less for gas today, only $3.74. After our walk, a big storm came through the area. We had lots of small hail off and on, and a ton of rain. Oh well, we had fun hanging out in the basement anyway :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


My little troublemaker!

Yesterday was a fun day. We spent the morning playing as usual. After lunch, we went to register mommy for classes in the fall! I'm now a student! I didn't quite get the class times I wanted, well, for one class, so I'm going to keep hoping that someone drops out so I can get put in. But it looks like it is going to work out for Addy to go to Parent's Day Out while I'm in class, so I'm excited for that. I think she'll have a lot of fun. So it's now time to register her for school!

After registration, we went to the bank and to Kohls. She now has a different shirt to go with her birthday skirt-its so cute, I can't wait for her to show it off! Daddy really liked this one too. After a delicious pork roast dinner, we went for a walk in the beautiful weather. Then the baby and daddy went to play while I did the dishes. Shortly after, we had some guests who were actually for Toby, but Addy had to perform for them too. We walked past her in the basement, and daddy said she got really mad, and started chasing after us, stomping her hands and knees to the floor to catch up ;)

She's been having so much fun learning new things. She really enjoys closing doors and playing peekabo with them. Daddy also thinks she's going to be a football player, because she loves to stiff arm him in the face while they are playing. At one point last night, she was farting and laughing at the same time, which daddy enjoyed. She's also just starting to stack things, and put things into containers, rather than just taking them out. I'm so excited for that one! She's also been waking up by 7:30, instead of the 8:30 I was getting used to. I guess she thinks she needs more playtime! At least she'll play in her crib for quite awhile before I have to get up :)

Speaking of learning things, daddy sure needs to learn how to notice things! The day we did pictures was the first day I've straightened my hair since I got it permed. So it has been curly everyday for over 3 months. When he got home, I asked him if he noticed anything different about me. He looked and asked if my bangs looked different (which I didn't do much different to them). At least he got the hair part, but seriously?? My hair is like 2 inches longer straight! I thought it looked really different! (You'll see a little bit down this post.) Also yesterday during Addy's nap, I cleaned out almost the whole garage, sweeping behind everything and rearranging it to give us more space. He said he noticed that his boots had been moved.... uggg.

Today was another plain day. We played for awhile, then it took me a whole hour to pay bills. It really stinks when you can't get your checkbook to balance, and you realize it was something stupid you did the last time you balanced it! Then Addy and I had lunch and walked to the park. We had the park mostly to ourselves, at least for the end of our trip. Addy went down the slide, all by herself! I put her at the top, and she put her hands on each side, bent forward and slid down. Each time she was a little more hesitant though, it was cute! We also played on the swings and with her favorite "keyboard". Then we came home for another nap, then we took the puppy for a walk around the neighborhood while we waited for daddy to get home from work. Toby wanted to play with all the other dogs we saw. Then after dinner, daddy made Addy giggle a bunch, like usual. Sometimes those two have too much fun, Addy can't even catch her breath!! haha! We also got a preview of Addy's 1st birthday pictures. Check them out here (my fav is the 2nd to last one):

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Birthday Party

Sunday was a busy day. We went to church, then came home so that Addy and daddy could get naps. While they napped, mommy made a blanket:

After the kids woke up from naps, we went to Brady's 3rd birthday party. Addy was a very good eater-she had veggie straws, part of a hot dog bun, a whole plate of fruit pieces and a piece of cake. The 90 degree weather makes her hungry I guess! We had fun hanging out with friends, and we finally had all the babies that were born last year together, 4 babies aged 8-13 months :) We gave the blanket to Brady's mom, because Brady will have a little brother in August!

Yesterday, we all stayed home all day. Addy and I did laundry and played a lot with her toys. We all went on a walk in the afternoon. It was a bit chilly, but it didn't matter, Addy had fun anyway.

Today was Addy's picture day! We spent the morning at home, though we did go on a little walk in the afternoon. Then we went out to the park to have Addy's one year pictures taken. She looked adorable in her Easter dress and headband. She did really good-she was in a good mood :) Then she got to play with the cake I decorated (above pic). She stuck her hand in it right away, and then just looked at the frosting stuck to it. She wouldn't do anything until I put some of the cake in her mouth...then it was all over. She just kept eating and eating! It was so funny-she was more concerned with eating the cake than playing with it. But it was adorable :) Josh got it all on the Flip...which he then left at the park. It wasn't there when he went back, hopefully someone will turn it in!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mini Vacation at Home!

Wednesday was pretty unexciting. Addy and I ran a few errands in the nice weather, then stopped at the park with friends on the way home. However, there was a funny story with daddy after Addy went to bed:

Josh: I need a mop. Swiffer?
Me: Yes. The pads are under the washer.
Josh: Which one is the washer?
30 seconds later
Josh: Are they supposed to be wet?
Me: Yes, they are for mopping.
Josh: How does this work?

Then there is Addy's sleep schedule, for just about every nap and nightime. She really needs to learn how to go to sleep again. Her newest trick she's been doing for awhile: I lay her down without a fight. She grabs her bear and paci, and I leave. 20 minutes later, I hear her crying, so I go up there and she's either standing or sitting, just playing. So I lay her down, and almost always she then goes to sleep. That crazy girl. She does know how to get down by herself, I guess she doesn't realize it when she's in her crib?

Thursday, daddy had a day trip to Columbia. Addy and I went to her favorite store, the grocery store. We were playing after we got home, when Toby went crazy barking. Then he got even crazier once the doorbell rang. So we went to check it out, and Addy's birthday present arrived :) The neighbors were out too, so we stopped and chatted with them until naptime. When daddy got home, we had another meeting at church, our last one. Addy was very good in the nursery, we hear, but we were the last ones out, so she was crying when we went to get her. I guess when everyone else left, she got really sad, and either wanted them back, or thought we forgot her! She stopped as soon as I took her. So cute :)


Friday, daddy had the day off. So after Addy's nap, we picked up subs and had a picnic in the park. Addy seemed to enjoy eating on a blanket a lot! Then we went to the zoo for a couple of hours. A woodchuck was digging in his cage and got dirt all over Addy. She got to pet a goat and a guinea pig. We got really close to the penguins and she was waving to them. The tigers and the orangutans were really active and playful. It was a great day for the zoo. A little warm, but not unbearable.

After the zoo, we went to the neighbor's house for egg stuffing. Addy got to play with kids and help daddy stuff Easter eggs. Mommy and daddy had fun too, hanging out with neighborhood adults :)

First ice cream cone :)

Today, we did a few household chores. Then we decided to go to Lowe's to get a few things in the truck. We get Addy in her seat and go out to the truck, when daddy notices the back tire is completely flat. So daddy got the tire off and we took it to Firestone, where they said it would be $20 to get it patched. We went home to put Addy's birthday gift together, when we got a call from Firestone. There was an irreparable gash, and instead of $20, we had to buy a new tire :( After we picked up the tire, we decided to check out the Tartan Festival. Lots of kilts and music-Addy enjoyed it. Then we went to the ice cream shop where Addy enjoyed her first ice cream cone-lots of people were enjoying watching her eat it too. It was definitely adorable :) Then we came home for a bath, while daddy repaired the tire. Then it was time for an early bedtime for all :D

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stayin' Home

This pic is for Aunt Sarah-Addy's new t-shirt!

Yesterday, Addy and I stayed home and did lots of laundry. It was just a little too windy and cold to do anything outside. We did have an awesome family moment in the the evening. We were hanging out in mommy and daddy's room, and Addy was hanging out against the full length mirror. She started giggling at herself, so I imitated her, which made her giggle harder. Soon I was doing a silly laugh, kind of like a witch, but not scary sounding. That's what sets Toby off, and he starts howling, or what we call "singing". At that point, daddy started laughing hard, which made Addy laugh harder. This circle went on for about 5 min-awesome :)

Today we stayed home, sort of, all day again. We read about a million books, many of them 3 or 4 times, because when one was done, Addy would get upset until you started reading again. Addy was also being a momma's girl tonight, until daddy brought out her favorite toy (riding on her car) and when he brought out her favorite book, Mommy's Best Kisses. Other than that, Addy learned how to play with her pop-up toy from Grandma and Grandad Gentry. She has finally learned how to open 2 of the 5 animals, and a third one pops open if you drop the toy on the ground, which she finds really funny. We took Toby for a walk around the neighborhood in the beautiful weather. We also walked down to the park for fun on the swings and slide. Addy started crawling around the playground, which was a little scary, since there were kids running all over the place, but they all stayed away from her, and she wasn't really too close to the playset, so it was all good. It was definitely a different surface for her to crawl on-a blue rubbery surface!

So we have a's the outfit Addy was going to wear for her birthday party. Daddy doesn't like the blue shirt with the skirt very much-which color do you suggest we should use for a shirt? PS I LOVE the shoes :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Friday we went to Little Lambs and painted with feathers. Addy did get a little blue paint on me, but two other kids got it in their hair, and we didn't do that! After playing, we went over to Kohl's to spend our Kohl's cash, and then went home for nap. After nap, we went to Sam's and spent a bunch of money on diapers, then we went over to the mulch place to get a load of mulch. Addy liked watching the tractor dump mulch in the truck. :) Then when daddy got home, we went on a walk in the nice weather.

Saturday, Daddy and I took shifts watching the baby, while the other one was out working in the yard. We weeded the landscape, shifted rocks, disposed of leaves, turned dirt, and of course put down a bunch of mulch. At about the middle of the afternoon, we finished the load of mulch, but not laying it. So Josh and Addy went back out to pick up a second load. Daddy did a little more mulch laying, and then we went over to the neighbor's fire pit. Addy was enjoying watching their kids play, while we enjoyed hanging out with grownups.

Today, we went to church and Panera, as usual. Then we went back outside and finished the mulch pretty quickly. We had to come in though, because it was getting warm!!! We set a record today, 90 degrees. On comes the air conditioning again! Addy and I took a nap, and then we all went for a walk, when it wasn't quite as warm. After the walk, we played outside in the yard, and enjoyed looking at all our hard work! You will just have to come out here and see it, because I forgot to take pictures before it got dark :)