Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Addy likes to say CHEESE when you take her picture now

Daddy's Girl

Cisco baby!

Keeping busy at school

More videos for your enjoyment:
Just Dance-Baby style:

Puzzles, our new favorite. Along with some captions, though if you know Wonderpets, you'll understand it better. Main point-9 piece puzzle all by herself!:

Marshmallows, sort of :) :

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter Fun

So proud of her first sitting on the potty today!

Loving on her favorite animals

Female Harry Potter-wand and glasses!

Talk about a movie star!

Dollhouse! Mommy and Daddy are kissing <3

Daddy's Carhartt Hat

School Time

Addy has no fear of earthquakes. Here is the caption from the following picture:
"playing" under the table for our earthquake drill

And, what everyone has been waiting for :) Here are some Addy videos:
Addy's favorite letter-turn it up to hear her whisper
The arm fart

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Field Trips

So pretty!

Well, she knew the area the mascara was supposed to go. Too bad for the cleanup that it was waterproof....

Can you hear me now?!

Mall trip with her favorite animals buckled in too!

Science Center Trip with daddy

Our HUGE snowstorm!

Mommy's shoes-her favorite ones!

Zoo Field Trip

School Days!