Monday, September 24, 2012

Enjoying Fall

What a crazy week (hence the late post). We had a "sick" baby who had/has pinkeye, but the antibacterial drops didn't seem to clear it up, which I thought the whole time. I think she just has a little bit of an allergy to something, cause everyone's been just a tad stuffed up. So she had to stay home from school Tuesday, and daddy was gone for a few days, so now mommy is behind on her school stuff. But other than that, we are doing good :) Today we started getting the siding put on our house, so it is now a confused looking house. Hopefully I can get pics of that tomorrow. Anyway-enjoy today's pictures!
Our neighborhood Fall Fest

Sitting on the fireman seat!

Enjoying her first real bouncy house (castle) experience

The clown made her an elephant, which is what she asked for!

Big girl on the playground

She's a pro at this stuff!

Did I mention she loved the bouncy castle?  Even with big kids knocking her down occasionally?

More diva style

Hold tight to Daddy's arm-while he's trying to do something else :)

And more style (she wore this skirt for 4 days straight)

Playing in uncooked rice-a new-ish favorite activity

The little momma helped diaper her monkey!

 And here she had to read him a story and show the pictures!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Long Week

We are all so excited Daddy is coming home tonight!! Hooray!!! Hopefully we can have fewer tantrums now, especially the ones at bed and nap time. It's been a long week...
Changing the bear's diaper.  He was later renamed to Ki-Lan bear

Elmo's having a snack

And then he took Daddy's spot at the table for dinner

Here's the outfit we actually left the house in today...very interesting...


Singing with the class

More singing with the class!

And playing in the rice

Friday, September 7, 2012

More Dress up!

In case you don't have facebook and missed it:

Where are kids returned? Mine is broken and I need to return her. I have 6 good reasons too!
1) She still doesn't wear socks with her shoes. And now she wears one shoe until her teacher tells her to put on her other one.
2) She refuses to wear her pajama pants. Instead she puts them on her head and says "I'm wearing my Christmas hat."
3) She picks out socks for me to wear, puts them on me, the

n picks out my shoes. Black seude high heels. With athletic pants and a tshirt. And did I mention those were regular white socks?
4) She has one book she can read. And she insists on reading it backwards, and she actually can do it. It's Frosty the snowman. Today it was 90 degrees outside.
5) She knows some of the words to "Call Me Maybe" and likes to sing it and stares at the radio singing it, thinking they will play it.
6) Daddy has gotten her hooked on Reece's Puffs Cereal. She hand picks out the chocolate balls, then eats the peanut butter ones. Who does that?!
See? Broken. :)

Here's Addy's Christmas hat, and her one "Princess Dancing Shoe"
Dress Up Time!

School Time
Loving the trains

Paying close attention!