Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Addy!

Zoo Trip for Addy's Birthday
Her favorite part-the train, the only thing she could talk about the whole time

She did love the hippos too

Hanging with an Anaconda-this one is just for daddy :)

LOVED the sea lions

Feeding our lunch to the fish-so much cooler than actually eating it

She decided to steal Mommy's sweatshirt
Birthday Party (mixed with Birthday day)!
"Mommy, I don't remember this!"

Birthday Train Cake

Dessert with the girls

Dancing time

Scooter Time

And teaching Aunt Sarah to ride it-about 20 times

New little buddy Aaron

"I'm like a dinosaur"

She got TRAINS!

and then we couldn't talk to her anymore

Birthday day cupcake

Present from Aunt Peppy and family (with a Nemo sticker)!!

Playing with all her new trains (Thomas pulls 6 cars!)

Zoey and Elmo like to dance

Opening cards

Thanks Uncle Steve and Aunt Mary!!

2 year old-but not for long!

Last of the 2 year old pics:
Playing with Toby in the snow!

Thanks for the toy Grandma!


Go Hoosiers!

Here's from her 2nd birthday when she could barely touch the pedals.

And now look at her go!

Ready for school-yes she picked this outfit for a nice warm day

Enjoying the rain

It was 85 degrees, and she needed a hat.  This is the one she insisted on.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Easter!

Getting ready for Easter
Addy's first mani/pedi! She loves it

And now daddy's hair is ready ;)

Addy's too

Mohawk Daddy

And now it's time to decorate

decorate Daddy, that is :)

Happy Easter Morning!
Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Bunny brought lots of goodies, and he ate his carrots and green peppers

Even Toby got delicious treats

Beautiful Addy is ready for Eater

The next day-we played in hampers

Relaxed on the couch and an hour later...

it was Christmas
and someone was upset that I had put the Santa beards away in the Christmas decorations

Cuddle time w/Simba

Hula Hoops at Gymnastics-so fun!

No school pics this week-it was Spring Break!

Instead, here's a video from Easter morning, Sorry its sideways: