Sunday, January 31, 2016

Monday Morning Blues Buster!

Baby Laughs:



Bye bye January

Naked ball playing

Happy Baby

Addy still loves picking out her outfits

Helping to take down the lights is Addy-lion

Even Toby likes to cuddle with Olaf
Big boy seat!

So excited

A new piggy bank...used for a chair

Still sitting on it the next day!

Ladies love my hugs

Checking on the oven

Yum! Sweet potato fries!

Riding the lawn mower
Breakfast with mommy

He loves his bananas!

He also loves his Parmesan, just like Grandpa G

Cuddling his monkey



I'm hilarious :)

Sissy likes my Santa beard

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Merry Last Christmas Party!

Bear fun!

Tattoos and make-your-own bracelets

Olaf waffles!

Box fun

Pie Face! Aunt Maddi

Aunt Peppy

Aunt Ally


Uncle Jon


Aunt Kakey

Cousin Ben

Tommy trying to walk

Aunt Peppy and the boys

Me and the boys

Poop pillow and a Fart Blaster

I think they like the presents

Tommy's taking his first steps!!

Look-no hands!!!

He's so proud!

First day back to school outfit, dress with cat leggings
Something actually matches!!

Happy Star Wars Birthday Callie!

Yum cupcakes

Ready for his first haircut

No hair in his eyes!!

And later, no clothes at all...
Snow fun!
