Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Bath time fun

Flower Boy

Stacking new containers

Pretend Play in the kitchen

Playing with rings


Monday, July 18, 2016

Flower Girl Addy

Three Rivers Parade fun!

Cool Baby

Just Chillin'

Someone was throwing a fit....and got dog food crumbs all over his hair


Cuddle-giggle time

"The cat is playing with MY toy!"

Where'd you go kitty?

Come back kitty!

First sprinkler time

Toby needs a bath
Kitty time on the way to the wedding


The bride and flower girl at the rehearsal dinner

Addy with her new flower girl bracelet and heart jewelry box
Hair is done-front


Lunch before the wedding

Practicing in high heels

Wearing the veil of the mom of the bride

She's ready to go!

Walking down the aisle


Car seat makes the dress fluffy!
Cousin Vicky

Good times

Dancing queens!

Addy was the center of the circle

Flower girl and ring bearer


The next morning-Jack was our HVAC guy

Next morning selfies

Time for swimming before leaving the hotel

Little lady was worn out

Sitting in the backwards car seat

So fun!