Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Working on Sitting!

Addy is doing much better now. We had 2 good days of napping and playing. Yesterday, during her first nap though, we had the cable repair-lady out, so Toby was put outside, but Addy still woke up. Partway through, the lawn guy came. Thankfully Toby could stay out in the yard! What a busy morning :)

Today we went to visit my work friends. Everyone was saying how cute she was. She was supposed to be napping, but there was way too much going on. She was a little crabby, just because she was so tired. I also took her to the doctor to check her weight, again. Today she is exactly 10 pounds! Double digits! I think she's gained about half a pound since baptism-getting big, but thankfully not too fast :) The doctor is happy now, so we don't have to keep coming back to check her weight. Yea Addy!

She was a little tough to get to sleep when she got home, but I just let her cry in her swing for 5 min and now she's out cold. Hopefully she stays asleep for awhile before her bath tonight-she usually loves them!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So, I think we have determined that Addy REALLY doesn't do well with her shots. Going back to last month when she had her hep B shot, 4 days later it took us almost 3 hours to get her to sleep, and she had trouble sleeping in general for about 1 week after. It's happening again....

Since Wednesday, she hasn't really slept more than a half hour at a time (except, thankfully at night she is still sleeping the same 6 hours). Hopefully by Monday, we are back to normal and I can get her to take her naps again. Then we need to work on an earlier bedtime so that she sleeps more at night and less in the morning!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cranky Baby

Well, Addy's been a troublesome little nugget the past few days. She doesn't want to play, she doesn't want to sleep, she doesn't want to eat. Sure, she does a little of everything, but not all at once. A half hour nap here, a 10 min playtime there. We think she's still just a little crabby from her shots a few days ago. She didn't eat well yesterday, but she is more on track again today. Her pooping has picked up again too, 5 dirty diapers today!!! We gave her a bath last night-as long as they are warm enough, she loves them! Although daddy really loves playing with her in the bath too :) We might have to up the frequency of baths, since she likes them so much! We are already thinking about leaving in a week and working on our list of items to pack-we are going to have a full truck! We can't wait to see you all!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Josh's first father's day was "awesome". We got up and got ready for church, went to church, then came home for waffles and breakfast sandwiches and presents. Josh got a polo shirt and rain gear for fishing. Then we all took a wonderful afternoon nap. After that, Josh barbecued filets wrapped in bacon and we had yummy chocolate chip cookie cake.

Yesterday we talked with the doctor and decided to try a new technique to feeding Addy, trying to get her to eat more. She is currently eating about 20oz a day, and she should be closer to 24oz. With the new schedule, instead of trying to get her to eat all the time, we are working on feeding her every 3 hours, and getting her to take more milk at a time. Today we are trying this and so far it is working fabulously. She has 2 more feedings yet today, and she's already had 19oz. It has even helped her get in a few good naps today. Hopefully tomorrow is just as successful!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy 2 Month Birthday!

Addy is 2 months old today! So much has changed since last month :) Addy's new, very light blonde hair is growing in. It's really short right now, but you can really see it in the sunlight. Her acne is almost gone, just a few little red bumps left on her cheeks yet. Her bright eyes are always studying her surroundings when she's awake, especially anything that is bright, like lamps and chandeliers. She has grown out of most of her "newborn" size clothes and is wearing 0-3 month clothes, as well as a few 3-6 month pieces. Her toenails are filling in, so they aren't so pointy, but we still don't have to trim them yet. She is sleeping well at night, from about 10pm-9am, with feeding breaks at midnight and 6:30am (approx!). The naps during the day are becoming very short, so we are working on a schedule so that she can sleep longer, so mommy can get some break time!

Today we went to the doctor for her 2 mo. checkup. Addy now weighs 9lbs. 14oz., so she has gained 2 weeks in a row now--it's looking very good! Otherwise she is very healthy, smiling a lot, both when daddy asks her to and randomly at her toys, although she has not been smiling at all today after all her shots :( She is also holding her head up really well for a 2 mo. old, and is very active as far as kicking her legs and stretching her arms. She has just started squealing and cooing, so we are looking forward to much more of that in the weeks to come!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fight with a Frog

Addy is just starting to notice toys. Here is her first stare-down with her snail and frog. (There is no sound, so you don't need speakers). Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Weight Check

Addy is definitely starting to be awake more and more. She likes to be up from about 8am to early afternoon with a little half hour nap somewhere in there. She takes a long afternoon nap, and then is up until fussy time around nine. Once we can get her to sleep, she is asleep until 8 am, with a late feeding around midnight and a morning feeding around 5:30.

She smiles a little more everyday. She is also using her hands more-she is starting to chew on her fingers a little, especially when she is hungry or wants her pacifier. She is holding her head up really well and notices things more now.

We went in for a weight check today. She's gained 2oz in 6 days, so not quite as much as we want, but at least she's gaining! We'll see how she does next week at her 2 month checkup!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Busy Weekend!

On Friday, mommy had an evening to herself! I went out to a local university to do Zumba for the Cure with one of my friends. It was a ton of fun - hip hop, salsa, etc. dancing and aerobics for 2 hours. I got a great workout and got to hang out with a friend I hadn't seen in a few weeks, while daddy took care of the munchkin.

On Saturday, we braved the heat, and Addy and I walked the race for the cure with friends while daddy ran it. It was really crowded for Josh and he couldn't get as much running in as he wanted. It was really hot for us girls and the babies, so we only walked the fun walk, which was a mile. We had fun anyway! Then we all came home and took naps and went over to our friend Charlene's house for a few hours, to hang out with 3 month old Maddie, her 2 year old brother, and their parents. Fun stuff!

Today we went to baptism class, then to church. Then, since mommy and daddy don't fit into their summer clothes, we went to Kohls to get a few things. Then we went out to Panera, our usual for Sundays after church. We came home, and Addy had gas in her belly we just couldn't get out, so she was pretty upset. We finally got a huge burp, and she's been sleeping ever since!

We are doing pretty well over here. Addy has less "fussy" time, usually we know what she is upset about. I just hope she is still gaining weight. We keep trying to feed her and fatten her up! We'll see how her next appt. goes, if we are going to need to keep supplementing her bottle with a little formula powder. We'll let you know!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

7 Weeks Old

We had a blast with everyone while they were out here for Addy's Baptism. She had her baptism, first bbq, first trip to the zoo, and all kinds of fun hanging out with everyone.

Tuesday was then a little bit of a problem for mommy, because Addy no longer wanted to be put in a seat to sleep, she had to be held all day! Thankfully that only lasted the one day!

Yesterday, we went to the mall for a walk in the air conditioning. Then we went to the doctor, where once again she "lost" weight. According to my scale at home, she gained weight in that same time period. I really think that last weigh-in was wrong, making this one look bad. We will keep working on it-at least she looks healthy, is EXTREMELY active, and seems very happy. She hasn't even been that fussy the past few nights. After the doctor, we went and had lunch with daddy and met his boss.

Last night, just before daddy got home, Addy was pooping in her diaper after her meal. I waited until she had stopped and started crying before I started to change her diaper. Just as I was putting on a new diaper, all of a sudden, she started pooping again! So I got that cleaned up, got the clean diaper under her and was bringing it up around the front when she started peeing all over! Just then daddy walked in, so he helped us finish up. Then she peed all over daddy this morning, so he got it too!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Week Later

What a week since Addy "lost" weight. We spent the holiday weekend feeding her bottles with a little formula powder every two hours and giving her Zantac twice a day. When we went back to the doctor on Tuesday, she had gained over a pound. We wonder if the doctor's scale is a little off....

After the doctor on Tuesday, we went to visit daddy at work for lunch. We went to the cafeteria and met a few of daddy's work friends. Then on Wednesday, we went to visit mommy's doctor, the first person to hold Addy :) She checked me out and gave me the A-Ok on everything.

Today we've been dealing with a little constipation. Addy hasn't pooped since Monday night, so I called the doctor to see what we should do. She suggested a warm bath with a belly massage and to put her on her belly and do bicycle legs. She was awake, so I decided to try that right away. We did that for about 5 minutes then I sat her on my legs to play. Soon, I felt something warm going down my stomach, and she had a poop explosion coming out one side of her diaper! We both had to change clothes and clean up, but at least it worked, and in less than 10 minutes!!

We are finishing up getting ready for this weekend-we are excited to see everyone for baptism!