Sunday, June 13, 2010

Busy Weekend!

On Friday, mommy had an evening to herself! I went out to a local university to do Zumba for the Cure with one of my friends. It was a ton of fun - hip hop, salsa, etc. dancing and aerobics for 2 hours. I got a great workout and got to hang out with a friend I hadn't seen in a few weeks, while daddy took care of the munchkin.

On Saturday, we braved the heat, and Addy and I walked the race for the cure with friends while daddy ran it. It was really crowded for Josh and he couldn't get as much running in as he wanted. It was really hot for us girls and the babies, so we only walked the fun walk, which was a mile. We had fun anyway! Then we all came home and took naps and went over to our friend Charlene's house for a few hours, to hang out with 3 month old Maddie, her 2 year old brother, and their parents. Fun stuff!

Today we went to baptism class, then to church. Then, since mommy and daddy don't fit into their summer clothes, we went to Kohls to get a few things. Then we went out to Panera, our usual for Sundays after church. We came home, and Addy had gas in her belly we just couldn't get out, so she was pretty upset. We finally got a huge burp, and she's been sleeping ever since!

We are doing pretty well over here. Addy has less "fussy" time, usually we know what she is upset about. I just hope she is still gaining weight. We keep trying to feed her and fatten her up! We'll see how her next appt. goes, if we are going to need to keep supplementing her bottle with a little formula powder. We'll let you know!

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