Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Funny Things

Last night, after our nightly walk, we video chatted the Gentry family before bed-it was fun :)

Today we took Toby to the vet; he was very scared. He hid under the chairs mommy was sitting in. He did pretty well though. This afternoon, in between many naps, Addy was being super cute. She is starting to realize how hilarious she is. She was trying to talk through the hiccups and would smile when her talking was interrupted. She thinks her sneezes are hilarious, looks confused when mommy sneezes, and is usually scared by daddy's sneezes! She also gets a little more ticklish everyday. She's also doing well so far with her first full day of "extra calorie" bottles-4oz every 3 hours. Hopefully it helps fatten her up!

Today was Addy's first bath with just mommy (daddy was at happy hour w/work). It went really well-she was in a good mood. Then we went for a sweaty walk. It is supposed to rain a lot in the next two days, so it might be our last outside walk for a few days!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Church Shenanigans

Sunday morning was very interesting. Addy was falling asleep on the way to church, but then woke up once we sat down. She stayed in her car seat, until just before the readings. The sound system had been acting up all morning so far, but this was bad. People were covering their ears from the feedback - it was probably a full 2 minutes before they got it turned off. Clapping erupted, and the service could continue :) Addy, just as the feedback was starting, got a worried look on her face, the look right before she gets upset, so I took her out to let her know it was ok and to cover her tiny little ears. She was then pretty good until a smell and loud grunting started to commence during the homily. I took her out to the back to change the diaper, and we met Claire, a 1 month old who is having the same weight gain problems Addy is! Then we went back to sit with daddy again.

At this point, we were praying the Lord's prayer, and daddy went to grab Addy's hand, because mommy's were holding her. Unexpectedly, Addy thought this was snack time and tried to eat daddy's fingers. Just another day, in the world of Addy.

Today we went to the GI specialist doctor to see why Addy isn't gaining weight quick enough and why she is hungry all the time. They weighed her first thing--with a slightly wet diaper on, she was 11 lbs, 15 oz. Much closer to what we think she is! Basically the doctor thinks she's fine, she just started out gaining weight slow and is now trying to catch up. So we are going to put a little extra formula powder in her bottles, just to get her those few extra calories. That should help her get up to a little bit better weight and hopefully she'll stop needing to eat so often too!! Every 1-2 hours gets rough when we are out and about!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Word!

Yesterday, Addy and mommy went to the insurance office to look at our current policies. She was a big hit with the insurance guy, and even bigger with the two ladies who work there. She also got a present from one of them, see above :) Then we went over to mommy's old work to drop off a few things and visit. Addy was not a happy camper though. I think it was a mixture of tiredness and too many people coming at her at once. We'll try again when she's in a better mood. When daddy got home, we all went for a long walk on the Katy trail. Then we had a rough night-pretty sure it was the vaccines from Thursday making her upset....an hour of screaming at night was not something we missed :(

Today Addy said her first word to daddy - gaga. Apparently he's letting her listen to too much Lady Gaga!!! :) She's been very giggly today, so that is really fun. We hung up curtains, moved all the basement furniture around, moved it back, and took a walk. Addy got a bath today, and we took off her bandaids-she has a huge bruise where one of the shots was :( Right now she's asleep, but she isn't quite down for the night, so we'll see how that goes in a few hours. Hopefully she got it all out of her system last night!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Doctor Visit

Today, Addy slept alot during the morning. She was pretty crabby, would eat a little, then fall asleep for 20 min and repeat. Finally I was able to get a shower, and we went to Dewey's Pizza to have lunch with daddy. The calzones were delicious :)

After pizza, we went to the doctor. Addy gained less than a pound in the past 2 months :/ She is now 10 lbs, 10 oz and in the 4th percentile. The doctor wants us to go to a GI doctor just to make sure her belly is ok, but since she is on track developmentally, she should be just fine. She also got 4 more shots today :( She did really well with them though and has been in a good mood all night. Well see what happens, we all know about her 4th day... :)

The weather is gorgeous here-we love going for our walks this week! The picture above is a picture of the single studio portrait we got (for free!) It's hanging in our freshly painted bedroom.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Daddy's Home!!

Yea! Daddy came home tonight. Everyone is excited, especially Toby :)

This morning, baby and I went on a walk at the lake. It was very disappointing though-we were trying to make the 3.7 mile loop in an hour. It took 1 hour and 3 min :( next time we shall conquer!!!

Then we spent the afternoon cleaning up the house before daddy got back. Then daddy got home at dinnertime! We ate (Addy played w/her spoon at dinner...hopefully she'll really start to like it so that she will enjoy feeding time with a spoon) and then went outside for a little bit. So much fun!

I have definitely found, now that Addy likes to grab things all of a sudden, that it is easier to get her to go to sleep if she's holding a burp rag. Otherwise, she pulls her pacifier out and can't get it back in :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Only a little longer...

Last night was fun. Usually Addy goes right back to sleep after her last bottle at night. Of course not last night-she wanted to play and mommy was ready to sleep! She did take a good nap though this morning, so we all had a nap!

Last night, while she was NOT sleeping, she was laying next to me on our bed, just relaxing. I saw her pacifier had fallen out, and since that many times causes her eyes to close, we give it to her when it's sleepy time. Last night I just left it lay, and the next time I looked down at her, she had it in her mouth!! She's pushed it in before and played with it, but this was the first time she took it from next to her and put it in her mouth! Yea Addy!

Today was a day of running errands and surviving til daddy comes home. Tonight we were hanging out in the backyard, watching the puppy do tricks, and Addy started gumming my wrist. Soon she was making fart noises w/her mouth, just like daddy does to her. She seemed to know that it was her making those noises, because she'd sit back, then do it again. Super cute! She went to sleep pretty easily tonight, so hopefully she stays asleep!

PS-Addy is a style queen!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Travelling Like a Big Girl!

Since daddy's been gone (24 hours!), Addy's already had big changes! Last night, she had her first big girl ride in her umbrella stroller. That means she rode facing the front, instead of backwards.

Then today, we adjusted the straps on her car seat. We had to raise them since she is getting so big! I also cleaned her seat cushion, although that is more because it smelled like coffee (who's fault could that have been?!).

Addy met a new boy today, a toddler who lives in the neighborhood named Luke. She was doing her normal shy smile while she turns away her head--so cute!!

She is tolerating rice in her milk just fine, though it still isn't filling her up. We'll give it a little more time...

PS-We will miss you Grandma Damman, enjoy heaven until we all meet again.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

4 months old

Addy has changed quite a bit again this past month. She is getting heavier for sure and is longer too-we'll find out exactly how much on Thursday at her doctor's appt. Her toenails are growing enough now to trim them and her nails get long in less than a week. She's sleeping longer at night, close to 10 hours. She's eating more than ever, and now had her first cereal experience. She also enjoys taking naps on the couch now, rather than being held all the time.

She is drooling all over the place, spitting up occasionally, and is starting to love some of her toys. Her favorite games are "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", ticking her hips, "Addy is Soooo Big" and standing up to check everything out. She is really grabbing things, especially this past week-anything that comes close she'll attempt to grab. She's really starting to interact with everything, but is still very observant about everything, especially when we are outside. She's getting close to sitting and standing supported-we should see that soon!

Busy Busy

The past few days have been very very busy! Tuesday night, Grandma and Grandpa Badenhop came to visit. Wednesday, daddy left for work for Kansas City, so we spent the day shopping at Kohls and the paint store. Then Thursday, mommy and grandma painted mommy's bedroom chocolate brown. It looks awesome! Daddy came home too, and Addy was very excited to see him. Friday we all went to breakfast, and then grandma and grandpa left. Saturday we went shopping all morning, and then I had my first taste of cereal and my first eating like a big girl! We will have to post the video later, when daddy brings back the camera. Then Saturday night we went to the Festival of the Little Hills. It was a lot of fun, looking at all the booths and eating funnel cake! Then today we did our normal, church and Panera. Then we helped daddy get ready for his Chicago trip--we'll see him soon!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Modeling again

Today were Addy's official 3 month pictures. Yes, I know she'll be 4 months old on Saturday, but since these were outside pictures, it took until today, almost a full month, to get a beautiful day to take them. For most of the time, she wasn't crying (yea!) but she wasn't smiling either. She was more interested in just taking everything in. Some of the shots seemed cute, so hopefully we should have those pictures back within a week.

Today we also decided to try messing with her bedtime to get her on a little better schedule. We'll see if it worked. Instead of letting her sleep in until 7, Josh got her up at her old normal time of 5:30. She did go to bed earlier, and hopefully she stays asleep now. Today her schedule was pretty strange though. She wanted to eat about every hour, but only 1-2 oz at a time. She only really stayed awake for an hour, before she would take a 20 min nap, then be up for an hour, etc. Hopefully tomorrow she can get on a little better schedule again, with staying up a little longer, sleeping a little longer and back to 2 hours in between feedings, which is still too much, but hopefully the doctor calls me back tomorrow to see if we can get her started on some cereal.

Today was a gorgeous day outside, hopefully it stays this way!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Tastes

Addy's last few days have been full of new tastes! She now plays with the toy in this picture and she puts in her mouth sometimes. She also enjoys chewing on burp rags and fingers. On Thursday, she put her toes in her mouth for the first time. She promptly spit them out and gave me a disgusted face. Apparently she already has stinky, gross feet :) Also, when she has her new medicine, she seems to not like it at first, but then is ok with it, so maybe she just isn't expecting that taste when we put it in her mouth. However, we do give her a little water with her medicine, and she LOVES it. She smiles when we squirt the water in and sort of tries to drink it out of the syringe. It's super cute!

Most of the week was spent in the house, avoiding going outside. We met with a few landscaping people for the backyard. We also went back to try to get more pics taken at Baby's R Us, but big surprise, she didn't want to cooperate again. We did get a few cute shots, and our free picture, but there weren't enough good pics to really buy too much. Then last night, it was mommy's night out with her other mommy friends. Daddy did a good job all by himself for a few hours :) And then today during church, Addy decided she would sing when no one else was, just to keep the music going :)

One last fun fact: daddy likes to blow on Addy's legs to make fart noises and see her smile. Today she decided to fart right back-daddy did NOT appreciate it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Model to be....maybe

Today was a shopping day. We needed to get out of the house, so we decided to go to the outlet mall to get a walk in and to give Addy something else to explore. She fell asleep right before we left, and slept all the way to our first stop, Babys R Us. She woke up once we got there, but we didn't really find anything we wanted. So we started to leave, and we got stopped by one of the girls who was working the new portrait studio there. She asked if we had time, she had a trainee and she was wondering if Addy could be a "practice" baby. They tried a few different positions, food, etc., but Addy was just still so tired, so she was cranky and didn't want to cooperate. But we have a free appt. on Friday and we get a free picture of her then, just for helping out. Hopefully she'll cooperate more then :)

We went over to the outlet mall then for about an hour and a half and Addy slept almost the whole time. That's strange, since the past few days, she hasn't slept more than an hour for a nap at all! She is a crazy sleeper, but of course the most important is that she sleeps all night!

She is also starting to become a little more interested in toys. She still doesn't reach out for them, but she is starting to play with them, if you put them close to her hands. She can occasionally hold her own bottle up, all by herself for about 5 seconds, she can stand with little support for about 5 seconds, and she is starting to love sitting in her Bumbo seat, since she is getting close to sitting. Her green bouncer will have to be retired soon, as she is trying to sit up in that too, which is not allowed!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Nothing too exciting today. We were supposed to have a few people come out to look at our yard today, but we didn't hear from anyone. We'll see....

Addy's doing pretty good. She doesn't like to be in the house all day, but when its so hot, there isn't much we can do. Apparently her sleep schedule was not just a weekend thing. Saturday she slept in until 8, yesterday until 7 and today until 7:30. That is awesome, except for she, at most, now has been taking 1 hour naps during the day. But I'm enjoying her sleeping in, but if she's going to keep this up, it would be awesome if we could shift her bedtime up a few hours to let daddy get up with her and then we could have some time in the evening to ourselves. We'll work on it.

Tonight, daddy was playing with Addy and she was getting very excited when he would tickle by her neck and on her sides. Her feet are also slightly ticklish, so it should be very fun soon!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Look Who's Talking!

Sorry its been awhile, but I've been working on a new video for you!

Friday, Addy and I went shopping most of the day. We went to the grocery store, Sam's Club and Baby's R Us. Then we all went on a nice long walk around Creve Coeur Lake-everyone really enjoyed it :)

Yesterday, we started to reorganize the kitchen which we finished today. We spent a little time outside both days, but it sure is warm here. It's not supposed to be any better the whole next week-high 90s everyday :(

Addy is doing so much new stuff. As the video shows, she's definitely starting to "talk" alot, she likes to fall asleep by herself on the couch and she fits well into all of her adorable 3-6 mo. outfits now!

Enjoy the video:


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let's go to the Mall!

Since it would be completely INSANE to be outside for more than about 5 seconds, Addy and I went to the mall to do our walk for today. The actual high was 100, which is better than yesterday's 101! Eh, it is miserable, so we stay inside.

We tried out a different mall, one I think I've only been to once. It was ok, not my favorite, but it worked as a walking workout. We went into Hot Topic and saw the spot where Jordan's cd was supposed to be, but they were out! Too bad we still can't find his song on any of our radio stations. I've even requested it on one of the websites, but haven't heard it :(

Addy's got a new fun trick instead of peeing on me. For example, yesterday after a nap, I thought I get her diaper changed. It wasn't very wet, but I decided to change it anyway. She was then in a good mood, smiling-I thought because I had just changed her diaper. It turns out that she was making that fresh diaper wet. So I waited about 2 minutes to make sure she was done and when I went to change her, the whole side of her outfit was wet! She goes through about 3 outfits a day, just because of her excessive peeing. Oh wait-we are proud parents. We have the best peeing baby ever!! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Trick!

All kinds of new things going on today! Addy has been having stomach issues the past few days-mostly spitting up a lot more than usual, and getting really upset at night when we try to lay her on her back. So we called the doctor, and she started a new medicine today. Instead of a liquid, this is a dissolvable tab. We just put half the tab in her mouth, then wash it down with water 2X a day. This morning it went ok, we'll see if it continues!

Today, Addy and I were playing in the basement. She was in a good mood, so I thought I'd put her on her tummy to play for a little bit. All of a sudden she was on her back and started crying right away. I didn't know if I just put her on her side accidentally or if she really turned over, so once she calmed down and had a little food, I thought I'd try again. She played for a little bit, fussed then used her right arm to push herself just a little bit, and she rolled over her left side onto her back. This time she was excited and smiley. Now, if she puts her two moves together-back to belly, and belly to back, with the direction she can turn, she could be mobile and roll across the room! Scary stuff :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

End of the Year!

Well, we've been busy with daily life here. Just starting our weight loss challenge, so far, so good. Thursday night, we made jello and pumpkin bread for Josh's end of year work party. Friday, Josh left a present on his boss's desk-her stapler inside of jello (see above). Anyone who watches the office understands :) It went over very well.

Yesterday, Josh mowed the yard and got all our hoses outside hooked up while I started cleaning out the office. Still messy, but not nearly as bad as it was! He also started a new gym-one that is cheaper and much closer to home, which is very exciting. Also, we got some terrible news--one of my favorite Cardinals has been traded to San Diego :(

Addy is doing well-we are starting to figure her out more and more. We need to up her Zantac dose now that she's bigger, because its not working, especially at night anymore. She can really grab your fingers now and she has a very strong bite--just ask her daddy! She has also slept in her big baby bed (her crib in her own room) the past two nights. She doesn't seem to notice that it's different, so we are definitely ok with that! Now we just need to prepare-its supposed to be 100 degrees on Tuesday and close to that hot Mon. and Wed. We might just camp out in the basement for those few days.