Sunday, August 22, 2010

4 months old

Addy has changed quite a bit again this past month. She is getting heavier for sure and is longer too-we'll find out exactly how much on Thursday at her doctor's appt. Her toenails are growing enough now to trim them and her nails get long in less than a week. She's sleeping longer at night, close to 10 hours. She's eating more than ever, and now had her first cereal experience. She also enjoys taking naps on the couch now, rather than being held all the time.

She is drooling all over the place, spitting up occasionally, and is starting to love some of her toys. Her favorite games are "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", ticking her hips, "Addy is Soooo Big" and standing up to check everything out. She is really grabbing things, especially this past week-anything that comes close she'll attempt to grab. She's really starting to interact with everything, but is still very observant about everything, especially when we are outside. She's getting close to sitting and standing supported-we should see that soon!

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