Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Wow it's been awhile! We've been busy just doing our normal stuff, playing, walking outside, enjoying the weather. :)

Addy is in her new, big girl car seat. This one doesn't have the removable base, and you can tell there is definitely more room in the seat for her now, although she does still sit backwards, for about another year.

We've been playing alot in Mommy's kitchen, especially since Addy's small kitchen sounds funny when she hasn't played with it in a day. It's already getting worn out, but I'm not surprised after how much she loves that thing! But she now loves her 2 drawers that mommy "gave" her, with pot holders, towels, and kitchen utensils to play with and leave all over the floor. :)

We've been playing at the park, eating bigger kid meals, walking up to 4-5 steps at a time, but she's still always looking to fall into mommy and daddy's arms :) She's grown out of almost all of her 9 month clothing, and many of her baby socks. I've also had to go up a size in shoes, since almost none of her shoes fit anymore.

On Saturday, since the weather was so gloomy, we went to the Magic House with Charlene and her kids. Addy's favorite part was a tie between the ball pit, which she loved exploring and...

the water table, which she loved telling everyone in the room about, as she very loudly "preached" from her seat.

She's found a few new favorite foods too, including peanut butter, pasta, quesadillas, and any fruit in a cup things. She has loved skyping the past week, especially playing peekabo with the camera, which I find quite hilarious. She was doing it with the window ledge the other day too, apparently playing with my rose bush...hahaha! Speaking of which, I finally got my garden in, we'll see if my plants survive! I hope so :)

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