Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hot or Stormy

Well, this week has been relatively uneventful. Monday, we were going to take our normal morning walk, but we had on and off storms we didn't want to get caught out in! Tuesday was the exact same way.

Yesterday was a little more exciting. We took daddy out to lunch, although Addy slept through the whole meal. Then we went to the mall to do some walking. Since it wasn't stormy yesterday, it was hot. We only have those 2 options apparently! Addy loves to people watch. I took her out of her stroller to feed her, and instead, she spent most of that time watching everyone walk by. Very cute :)

Today we had our first grocery shopping trip together by ourselves. She did pretty good, just a little fussy at times, nothing her pacifier couldn't help. Toward the end, she spit it out and didn't want it back and the next time I looked at her, she was asleep! We also talked with a lawn guy this morning. The lawn is going to be a little more expensive than I was hoping, but it'll be worth it to not have to mow the hill, have the usable space and give us a much better resale value! Hopefully we'll get a good deal and have a wonderful yard soon!

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