Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Word!

Sunday, Grandad missed out on a delicious, all-you-can-eat sausage supper. First we went to church, and then we had to wait in line at church for their annual sausage supper. It was served homestyle, with mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, sauerkraut, applesauce, bread and dessert. Even Addy loved it, well at least the eating part, not so much the waiting part. After we got home, she had a nap, and then we all ventured to the park again. It was a cloudy day, but still warm enough for just long-sleeved shirts. We hear that it was about 35 degrees colder in Fort Wayne...haha!

Monday was Addy's 10 month birthday-and the most exciting day of all. Addy said her first word!! dada! So hopefully when she wakes up during the night and starts crying, all she says is dada, and I'm off the hook :) Josh walked into the room we were playing in, after not seeing him for like an hour, and she said Ai dada! and smiled real big. Josh and I just looked at each other, and then we both asked if the other one heard that. It was awesome :) Other than that, Addy and I took a special drive up to the gas station to get some milk. It was too cold outside to play :( In the evening, I had bunko, but about half of the people couldn't come-apparently sick kids. I see that as even more of a reason to leave the house :) So the 6 of us just hung out and talked and ate snacks. That was fun too :)

Yesterday, Addy and I went to Kohl's to spend our Kohl's cash. I got Addy some new "walking" shoes, but they are a little big for her feet. She has a few pairs she can wear now, and the size 2 shoes fit her feet perfectly. So we went with a size three, just to make sure she has some shoes for when she actually starts walking! They are so cute, little brown Mary Jane's with pink flowers :) She also tried kiwi, which I think she liked, it was just a little too hard to pick up. Other than that, we just played all day. Again, too cold outside. Apparently February decided to come back. The forecast doesn't look too great either. The days in the 50s all come with rain, and the sunny days are in the low 40s. At least we got a little time outside. I guess Addy and I will just have to go back to walking the malls for a few more weeks!

Here's a video with a few of the things Addy has been up to lately. Enjoy!

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