Sunday, February 27, 2011


Addy's Easter dress! She loves it! (those are butterflies on the dress)

Today was a fun day. First we went to church. Addy was very good-she was waving and giving high fives to the people around us. After church, we had a little lunch. Then we played for a little while until nap time. Addy finally went from her belly back up to her crawling position to sitting. Hopefully she remembers this, as it always trips her up. She has been taking a few more "crawling" steps though, so maybe she won't have to worry about falling on her stomach ;) hehe. Then I put Addy and daddy down for a nap, and I slipped out for girls afternoon out with the Little Lambs moms. There were only 4 of us, but it was really fun and we got cheesecake-can't beat that! While I was gone, the rest of the family took a long walk outside, so when I got home, we had to play outside a little more-it was just so gorgeous! My car said 66, and the sun was poking through the clouds off and on. Hopefully the storms that are coming aren't too bad-they are predicting nasty ones tonight. But later this week is supposed to be nice again, so maybe we can do more outside stuff. Addy loves it :) After dinner, we spent tons of time trying to call aunt Sarah for her birthday, but she wouldn't answer for the longest time.

So to recap Addy's exciting week-on her 10 month birthday, Monday, she said her first word. Wednesday was her first shuffle steps and Friday was her first real crawling "steps". Friday she also sat up in her crib by herself for the first time, Saturday she took her first good steps-up to 3 at a time, and today she was able to go from crawling to her belly to crawling to sitting. What a busy little baby-I wonder what this week will bring!!

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